St Michael's College Junior School Parents' Association was established in 2003. Its aim is to build an effective partnership between home and school for the benefit of all the pupils. Its role is:
- To work with the Principal, the Board of Management and the staff to support the aims and objectives of the school.
- To address issues and concerns relating to the school on behalf of the parents.
- To enhance communication between the parents and school management.
- To suppport the education and development of each child.
- To enhance social interaction between parents.
The committee is comprised of 8 members, each representing a year group in the school. The term of office is 2 years and members are elected annually at the AGM . The association meets at the start of each school month to review ongoing and suggested projects and deal with parents' correspondence.
Parents are encouraged to contact the Association with any recommendations or queries via:
- In person via their class representative,
- Letterbox located in the foyer of the school.
The Association publishes a biannual newsletter to keep parents up to date (also listing their relevant class representative). The Association is funded entirely by the Parents' Association subsidy.
Ongoing Projects:
- Sponsorship of the Christmas Art Competition, Sports day and annual choir outing.
- Provision of refreshments for Communion, Confirmation and related ceremonies.
- Organising speakers, annually for the AGM & other pertinent topics e.g.. First aid, Internet safety
- Organising mobile educational resources for pupils eg mobile farm, mobile planetarium, storyteller
- Sponsorship of first aid courses for older pupils.
- School book swap and Blazer sale.
- Provision of funding towards new sports, science equipment and learning support .
- Promotion of Seachtain na Gaeilge and Green school policies.
- Welcome reception for parents of Junior Infants and new Third Form pupils.