Roald Dahl Day in 3.1

Roald Dahl Day in 3.1

The boys all made a fantastic effort with their costumes for Roald Dahl Day in the Junior School. It was such a surprise for all of our visitors to walk into the classroom to find Charlie, Grandpa Joe, Willy Wonka, the Oompa Loompas, the BFG and many more of Roald Dahl's much-loved characters sitting and looking up at them from their chairs! The imagination to create all of the various characters was a joy to behold and it truely was extremely impressive! Excitement levels raised dramatically as all classes tuned into Ms. Heslin's live search for the Golden Ticket among all of the Golden Envelopes. Each class had by then nominated their number and Ms. Heslin then began opening each envelope in numerical order to reveal which class envelope had the famous Golden Ticket. The disappointment in one classroom when their envelope was opened to no avail was matched with ever increasing excitement from the remaining classes as they realised their chances of success had increased even further. The prize at stake, a large basket full of chocolate treats for the winning class!! Unfortunately we weren't successful this year and Mr. O'Neill's RLG were the eventual winners. However, it was a very exciting and different Friday morning for everyone!! Well done and thank you to all of the boys and their parents for making it a day to remember for all of the boys in the Junior School.

Roald Dahl Day in 3.1Roald Dahl Day in 3.1Roald Dahl Day in 3.1Roald Dahl Day in 3.1Roald Dahl Day in 3.1Roald Dahl Day in 3.1Roald Dahl Day in 3.1Roald Dahl Day in 3.1
14 2025
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17 2025
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24 2025
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24 2025
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Ailesbury Road
Dublin 4

01 218 9440

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